4 Dachshund Breeders in Virginia VA

Dachshund Breeders in Virginia VA

Dachshund Puppies for Sale in Virginia

There are many reasons to consider owning a Dachshund. For one, they’re beautiful. Their long bodies combined with short legs give them an elegant look that is unmatched by other breeds. Their coats come in a variety of colors and patterns which makes them all the more unique.

They have great personalities as well; they are loyal, loving, playful, friendly, funny, hard-working…the list goes on. But for those who are considering bringing one of these little guys home for the first time or adding another to their family, there are some important things you should know before you bring your new doxie into your world.

One Thing You Need To Ask Your Dog Breeder

The following tips will help prepare you for what’s ahead when it comes to buying your Dachshund from a breeder.

Dachshund Breeders List in Virginia

Breeder Location Phone Website
Hidden Hollow Kennel Mount Crawford, VA 540-478-5371 Website
Pauley’s Pups Ashland, VA 804-798-7877 Website
Veronica Amos Vinton, VA 540-890-1748 No Website
Warren Retrievers, LLC Richmond, VA 804-883-6931 No Website

Dachshund Breeder Details in Virginia

Hidden Hollow Kennel
Mount Crawford, VA
Call: 540-478-5371

Pauley’s Pups
Ashland, VA
Call: 804-798-7877

Veronica Amos
Vinton, VA
Call: 540-890-1748
No Website

Warren Retrievers, LLC
Richmond, VA
Call: 804-883-6931
No Website

Alternative Places to Purchase a Dachshund Puppy

Dachshund Breeders in Neighboring States

For the complete list please see our List of Dachshund Breeders page.

What is The Average Price for A Dachshund Puppy in Virginia?

The average price you can expect to pay for a Dachshund puppy in Virginia is approximately $400-$900, depending on the breeder. This number varies based on a lot of factors.

How Much Should I Pay for A Pedigreed Dachshund?

As with any animal, there are many factors that determine how much money you should pay for it. The first big factor is where the dog came from; did you get him from a pet store or through an actual breeder? Puppies purchased at local pet stores tend to cost more than those purchased directly from breeders because pet stores go through what’s known as “middlemen.” That means they have to pay more money for the puppy from the breeder, and then they have to mark up that price before selling it to you at a smaller profit. In other words, because of the extra costs involved with going through a middleman, pet stores will often charge as much as $1,000 or more for a Dachshund puppy.

If you base your purchase around getting one from a pet store and paying anywhere near the average cost for this breed (which is about $400 to $900 depending on where you live), make sure to check out several different local breeders first and always visit the facilities where your new dog was raised. Our online directories allow you to narrow down your search by geographical location; and will be able to point you in the right direction.

How to Find A Responsible Dachshund Breeder in Virginia

As our list above shows, Virginia is home to a few very responsible dachshund breeders.

1. Look at More Than One Facility

Start your search by looking at several different facilities owned by the breeder(s) you’re considering. If all of them look clean and well-kept, that’s a good sign. But keep in mind that it’s normal for not every facility to always be in top shape; because dogs will go in and out of those places so quickly, they might not have time to go back and clean up after them all. However, if you see a few run-down or dirty-looking facilities, that might be a sign of trouble.

2. Visit The Facilities in Person

When you visit the breeder’s facility(s), take note of everything around you; is it clean and well taken care of? Do the dogs look happy and healthy? Are they well fed and kept up to date on their shots? If so, then chances are good that this is one responsible breeder. On the other hand, if your first impression upon walking into their home was not positive because it didn’t look clean or organized, or because the dogs seemed lethargic or underfed, this likely isn’t someone who takes proper care of his/her dogs.

3. Ask About The Parents

The breeder should be able to tell you all about the parents of your Dachshund puppy. They should also have pictures and even perhaps allow you to meet them if possible. A responsible breeder will always provide a clean and safe environment for their dogs, so ask to see where they’re kept when they’re not around people; it shouldn’t look like a dirty kennel or garage. The breeder should also know each one of his/her dogs inside and out, including any health problems that might run in either line (this can help you avoid having these issues pop up in YOUR dog).

Visit Your Virginia Dachshund Breeder in Person

As we just mentioned, make sure to visit your dachshund breeder in person. This will allow you to get a first-hand look at where your new dog is being raised, and it will also give you a chance to see how he interacts with his/her dachshund breeder. If the dogs are running freely around the place without any sort of muzzle or other types of containment, that’s not a good sign.

However, even if they have to be kept on leashes or are in cages for most of the time if the Dachshund breeders seem genuinely happy to see them and play with them whenever possible; then you might be looking at a responsible breeder.

If possible, visit the breeder’s kennel where they house their adult dogs and see how well-kept it is. You should also pay attention to how healthy and active the dogs are at this time; a good breeder will always be able to produce both puppies and adults that are healthy. If you’re not allowed in or can’t meet any adult dogs, this may be another sign that you should look elsewhere.

Questions to Ask

Ask for References from Your Dachshund Breeder in Virginia

Looking for a good breeder that you can build a good relationship with? Ask your Virginia Dachshund breeders for referrals. This shows that you’re serious about finding the right one, and it lets them know what traits are important to you when searching for an adult dog or one of their own litters.

Many breeders will even offer incentives if you refer other potential customers; so see what they have to offer.

References will be able to tell you a lot about the breeder and whether or not they’re trustworthy. A responsible breeder will always refer you to people who they know and trust; after all, no one wants a happy customer to end up with a dog from an irresponsible breeder.

Ask Lots of Questions Before You Commit

The breeder should be more than willing to answer any and all questions that you might have. They should be able to tell you both the good AND the bad about their dogs, along with being very knowledgeable about each breed in general. Make sure that you’re comfortable with them before spending your money on a Dachshund puppy.

Ask Your Virginia Dachshund Breeder if You Can Meet Past Customers

A good breeder will always be able to provide you with references from past customers. This is a sign that they care about their dogs, and it also gives you an idea of what type of dog owner they are.

Meeting past customers will tell you a lot about your Virginia Dachshund Breeder, and it will also help you get a better idea of what kind of dog you might receive. Meeting past customers will show you whether or not they were happy with their dogs and how well-treated they were in general.

If they’re unwilling to give out this information or seem uncertain when questioned, then that might be a sign that something is off.

Does Your Virginia Dachshund Breeder Have A Good Veterinarian They Use?

A good breeder should always have a veterinarian that they regularly use. If they don’t, this might be a sign of irresponsibility. Do your due diligence and make sure to ask around or do some research on vets in the area before deciding on a purchase.

What’s Breed-Specific About Your Dachshund?

How much effort does your Virginia Dachshund Breeder put into their breed? Are they focused more on looks than health and temperament? A responsible breeder will try to match dogs of similar temperaments with people who have similar lifestyles. It’s also important to find someone who treats all dogs as individuals, not just “a dachshund” or “a labrador retriever.”

Look out for The Signs of An Unethical Dachshund Dog Breeder in Virginia

What’s a responsible breeder? A good breeder shouldn’t have more than three Dachshund litters per year, and they shouldn’t just focus on one type of dog either. Look out for the signs below to see if your Virginia Dachshund Breeder might not be as ethical as you’d hoped.

Does Your Virginia Dachshund Dog Breeder Require Contracts?

Although contracts are meant to protect both parties, they can sometimes mean that you’re looking at an unethical breeder. If a contract is required or similar wording is used without any explanation, then this may be a sign that you should look elsewhere. Especially avoid contracts that state no refunds will be given, even if something happens with your Dachshund puppy.

An unethical Dachshund Dog Breeder will also ask for a non-refundable deposit, often around $200 to $500 (depending on the age of your Virginia Dachshund dog). This might mean that they plan on giving you one of their own adult dogs instead of waiting for their next litter.

They’re Being Extremely Pushy to Sell You One of Their Puppies

This is another sign that should make you wonder where the breeder’s motives lie. Are they really concerned about whether or not you pick up your new dog? Or are they more concerned with making a sale and moving on to the next customer? If it seems like they’re rushing to sell you one of their puppies, then you might want to consider looking elsewhere.

There are many reputable breeders out there that truly care about their dogs and will take time for each customer.

Ask The Virginia Breeder if Your Dachshund Puppy Has Any Health Problems

A good breeder will want to be as upfront as possible. They’ll also know what type of testing has been done on their Dachshund dog’s parents and whether or not their dogs have any health problems. If your Virginia Dachshund Breeder doesn’t seem willing to talk about the health of their adult dogs, then you might want to consider going somewhere else.

Ask for A List of Veterinarians in Your Area

You should always feel comfortable taking your new dog anywhere you please. A good breeder will provide a list of vets they’ve worked with before and can recommend. This is a helpful way to find out where your new pet will go if something was to happen. Do your research and make sure to schedule a visit with your new doctor before bringing your dog home.

How to Prepare Your Home for Your Dachshund Puppy

Preparing your home for a new puppy is one of the most important things that you will ever do. The first few months in your Dachshund puppies life are critical and he or she will be extremely impressionable during this time.

You’ll want to take extra special care when preparing your house for a new addition. If you can, try to add some training equipment while the Dachshund Puppies is still confined to his crate while you’re not paying attention. You can use each of these tools while it’s unattended and make sure that they learn how to use them without any problems:

A dog door (if you already don’t have one) You may want to get one with electronic keypads, so your Dachshund won’t be tempted to go outside the door yourself.

A doggie doorbell (again, you can get one with an electronic keypad) This way, when they need to go potty in the middle of the night or if you don’t want to take them outside in bad weather, you can just ring this bell and point them towards the back door.

Potty Training Your New Dachshund Puppy

Dachshund Puppies aren’t the easiest to potty train, especially if you wait too long. We recommend taking them out every hour and even sooner if they’re yelping or scratching at the door. That being said, Dachshunds will almost definitely have accidents in your house when they first arrive if you don’t take them outside often enough.

Trying to keep them confined to a certain part of the home will only make everyone involved miserable. If you must confine your Dachshund while not actively watching him so he doesn’t get into anything dangerous, it’s best to use a puppy crate or exercise pen for this purpose.

Remember, patience and consistency are key when potty training your dachshund puppy.